Heather Botjer began her studies of acupuncture at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM) in New York City. At PCOM, Heather studied Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi Gong and Biomedical classes. After 2 years she transferred to Tri-State College of Acupuncture (TSCA) where she continued her studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and experienced some other styles of acupuncture like, Kiiko Matsumoto Style and Acupuncture Physical Medicine - trigger point therapy. At TSCA Heather also began her interest with essential oils.
Currently Heather mostly works with a Japanese Style. She prefers this style because of its gentle needle technique and its effective treatments. Essential oils have also become a large part of her practice due to the calming effect that they have on the body. Heather feels acupuncture together with essential oils works very well in bringing the body back into balance.
Heather Botjer was born and raised in the New York Tri-State area. Before acupuncture, she had been a commercial photographer for many years. Today she mostly takes pictures for fun. These pictures are now featured on her Instagram page, where she shows off her images of acupuncture, essential oils, crystals, her pet dachshunds and her passion for pottery.